Easily modifying the play count of a track in iTunes (Mac)
At some point, I must have accidentally put a track on single repeat, as I noticed that I now have a runaway leader in my Top 100 Most Played playlist on my Macintosh. Since you cannot edit the play count field when you do Info on a track, I set out to find a way to do this.
Lo and behold, an elegant solution…
Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes — New Play Count (link redacted, no longer available)
The script here will ask you for a numeric value, and set the play count of all the tracks you have selected to that value. Score!
BTW, Happy Birthday to both my brother Jeff, and to Mariano Rivera, both born this day in 1969. You may be aware that one of those people is famous and one is not, so for those of you who may not have ever heard of Mariano Rivera, he was a relief pitcher for the New York Yankees.